Wednesday, October 23, 2013



the results!!!!!!!

ok so I got my bangs and I love them (it looks way better in person) and I put he rest of my hair up in bobby pins WARNING: if you get bangs buy about 200 bobby pins you will want/need them

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

advertising lol

I thought this was pretty cool not sure where is it but it advertising for jehovahs wittnesses

maui fair

Maui fair starting Thursday October the 3rd 2013 through October 6th 2013 cant wait!!!!!!!!!!! me and my friend Rose are going it mine and her anniversary we are friends and I met her the day before we went:) in 2012 I love the fair the glow stixs ,candy popcorn and rides its so cool those are the time I want to remember in my child hood :):):):):):):):)):):):):):):):):):):):):):D